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Fraser Medical Clinic Patients

Educational Toys

Transitioning Care

I am prioritizing Fraser Medical Clinic patients over new patients for now in order to try to accommodate the healthcare needs since FMC closed.
I will do my best to get everyone in as quickly as possible however, I am one doctor, and this will take time. 

If I was your doctor at Fraser Medical Clinic:
You will still need to establish care with me at Alpine Sun Family Medicine Clinic, and have your records sent to me.
Even though I know you, it is like starting over at a new clinic. I do not have access to any records from Fraser Medical Clinic. I cannot send medication refills, until you have seen me at the new clinic as I will need to create a chart for you in the new software, review medications, history, etc.


If you were seeing another doc at FMC:
I am happy for you to establish with me, but again this will take time. Please understand that while I would love to take everyone, I won't be able to do that, so just because you were at FMC doesn't mean I can get you in right away. 

Requesting FMC Records:
The medical record link to request records and have them sent to me is included below.

Please DO NOT send records until you have an appointment scheduled with me, so I have a chart created for you where these records will go.
This is the link that was sent out by Fraser Medical Clinic and will hold your records for 20+ years.
I do not have a direct connection to them, this is merely here for your convenience, if any questions please refer to prior correspondence from Fraser Medical Clinic.

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